
Welcome one and all! I have made this site for all of you people out there you LOVE writing stories and poems. Just follow this site, and tell the name of your story and I'll make a page for it. I will also make a page for poems, so just post your poems there. Have fun sharing your writing!

The life of an un-ordinary girl.

This is Leader~Featherstar (Chile) 's story. (Mine)

Chapter One (First three paragraphs)

“Beep beep beep beep!Beep beep beep beep!”My alarm screeched into my ear. Scowling and grunting, I flopped out my hand and turned the alarm off. I flipped my blankets off of me and sat up. The bright morning light blinded me for a moment, then my eyes adjusted.”Sophie!” My mom yelled.”It’s late-start! Time to get up!” I heard my door creek as she peered in from it down my personal ramp. They were stairs when we moved here, but you see, when I was little I broke my leg. It never healed properly, so now I’m going to spend the rest of my life with crutches.”I know!”I said back with a grumpy attitude. It was good that it had been late-start that day, or I would be in so much trouble. I grabbed my crutches which were set by my bed and stood up. I then hobbled to my closet, clumsy with sleep. After picking out a green shirt, some jeans and a thin green scarf, I then went to my bathroom to shower.

I sat at my breakfast table, eating cereal.”You’re gonna be late! You’re gonna be late!” My younger brother Chris taunted me with a thermometer in his mouth.”And you don’t get to go to school for the carnival today, sicky!” I snapped back, knowing that he was angry to not get to go today due to sickness.”That’s not funny though!” He frowned at me and folded his arms while my mother put a warm rag on his head.”You need to get over there before you miss the bus sweetie.” My mom said without looking at me. I nodded and slipped a head band into my honey-blonde hair.”Bye!”I waved as I went out the door and across the street

“Where have you been?” Asked my best friend Natalie once I got to the bus stop.”I just woke up a little late this morning.”I said, then frowned when she laughed.”Even on late start? You need to get out of that habit.”She patted my shoulder with a smile. The bus pulled into our stop and we piled on. Everyone let me on first, due to my leg. And I hate it. They always treat me like I’m totally helpless, which I’m not. Only Natalie and my family know I’m capable of doing things for myself. But Natalie enjoys the attention she gets from boys because she helps me when I need it, so I let it go. Natalie and I sat down in the very back seat. As the bus rumbled along I pulled out my journal and began to write.


  1. “Dear Journal,
    It’s going to be yet another boring day at school. Boring classes, overflowing sympathy, and nothing new. I just hope that today we won’t be eating another gross pot of five-year old chicken noodle soup like usual, because I forgot my lunch in the rush this morning. I’ll talk to you later.
    From, Sophie”
    I sighed and shoved the journal back into my book bag, gazing out the window.
    “We’re here!” Natalie shoved me rather harshly. I shook my head, grabbed my crutches and stood up as everyone got out of the bus. Natalie let me out and I slowly went down the bus stairs.”Boring Colby High.” I sighed and went up the stairs, into the doors. I then went to Math, which is my first class.”Ah, you’re here Sophie!” Mr.Olsen smiled kindly at me as I took my special seat in the front of the room.”For now I want you to work on yesterday’s assignment!” He announced to the other kids then gave me a blue sheet of paper.”You can do this.” He said gently and went to his desk. Anger boiled inside of me as I looked at the super easy math. I’m in High school for crying out loud! Do they think I’m a baby?
    ”Mr.Olsen?” I went over to his desk.”Are you having trouble with it?” He asked, which made me want to explode.”No.” I said trying to stay calm.”I can do what the others are doing. I’m cripple in my leg, not my brain.” Mr.Olsen looked uncertain.”Okayyyy.” He slowly handed me a different paper. I took it to my desk and zipped right through it.”Now I don’t feel like Chris.”I smiled to myself and slid the paper to the corner of my desk. Then the speaker went on. “Attention students and teachers! For the rest of the year, we will have a new principal. Please welcome Mr.Geist!” Then there was a crumpling sound and a much deeper voice.
    ”I am Mr.Geist. I hope I can make improvements to this school.” He kept on blabbing about something, but I didn’t want to listen anymore. I took a nap on my desk without a care. I’m allowed to do stuff like that. My leg does give me advantages. The loud, annoying bell woke me up again. I packed up my things and hobbled out of the room. I was completely ready for my next class. You see, my favorite subject is Art, and I sit right next to Natalie! I went as fast as my crutches would swish and sat down. Mrs. Kemp greeted me with a kind smile. She also knew how I hated too much sympathy, which is another thing that made me like this class.
